Beautiful princess castles and color theory


The outline of a castle

I read myriads of color theory blogs and summed them up in a bunch of blogs. Then I decided to experiment with color theory concepts. Thus I used some simple shapes in the Microsft word to draw a castle. Here is the outline.  

Then I decided to use blue and purple to paint this castle. I have used different color temperatures, values, saturations, etc of these colors. So, the difference lies in color values. It can convey different meanings about the same castle. 

Four different color combinations convey four different messages

If you watch animated movies then these four images will look like the same castle. In different scenes, they depict it in different ways. 

These four castles depict four different scenarios. The differences are subtle but important. Let us discuss them.

An interpretation using color theory

Colors create an illusion of depth

This picture uses two warm colors and cool colors. Cool colors tend to recede to the background and do not draw attention. Warm colors seem to come forward toward the viewer and draw attention. Thus we can notice that the top parts of the palace seem to recede to the background and do not draw much attention. Walls seem to come forward.

What does it signify? 

Since the tops of forts have armed guards and they seem imposing therefore keeping them in cool colors makes the fort seem peaceful and away from any threat or warfare. Again, the walls having warm colors seem to attract more attention. 

The color temperature of the front walls is greater than the color temperature of the rear walls.

What does it signify? 

Notice two different pictures with contrasting characters.

Let us compare on the basis of hue, saturation, brightness, and temperature of colors

Colors in doors and windows 

First picture: 

Warm colors in doors and windows are the first to attract our attention. 

What does it signify? 

Something interesting is happening inside the castle. It could be a party or a heated argument about a war of succession.

Second picture: 

Cool colors in doors and windows do not draw much attention.

What does it signify? 

We are not talking about the interiors of the castle but about its gardens or exteriors. The doors and windows do not draw our attention but the two front walls do because they are the warmest in the picture. We could be talking about what is happening on the road by the castle.

Color of walls

First picture: 

The two front walls of the castle seem too close to the back wall. 


It is because the two front walls have a cool color and seem to recede to the background. The back wall has a warm color and seems to approach us. Therefore, the castle looks compact and not too spacious.

Second picture: 

The castle looks spacious. 


Owing to the color temperature of the front two walls and back walls, the picture seems to have depth and the castle looks spacious. 


First picture: 

The roof of the castle seems prominent and together with the colors of doors and windows, it can signify a military emergency. 

Second picture: 

The castle roofs are quiet and the walls seem energetic owing to color temperature. Therefore, we may not be talking about what is happening inside the castle at all, but rather, what is happening at its outside. 

Color saturation in color theory

Pure color is completely saturated. When you mix black with a color then it becomes darker. The resultant color is called a shade of that color. 

Significance of darker shade

Black is a serious and mysterious color. The darker the shade of color the more mysterious it seems. 

Therefore something very mysterious and serious seems to happen in the first castle. However, something lesser mysterious seems to happen in the second castle. 

Color temperature

Based on color temperature, something energetic or war-related activity seems to happen in the first castle. Something related to peace seems to happen in the second castle. A party or argument seems to be taking place behind the doors and windows of the first castle as it seems to come out toward the viewer. It could be loud music or a heated argument. In the second castle, the cool colors in doors and windows seem to give it depth. The ruler of the castle seems to be full of wisdom.

The first castle seems to belong to a wise and peaceful monarch. The second castle to a temperamental and frivolous monarch.

Wrapping up

Color theory is a must for every artist. For more such blogs and color theory basics, visit my website.

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